Michael Horns Q And A 10th April 2010

From Future Of Mankind

Details of Scheduled Chat Session

Michael Horn has generously agreed to a Question and Answer chat session with the readers of the Future of Mankind. The chat session will take place on Saturday 10th April 2010 at 9am Pacific Standard Time (GMT -7) at the Future of Mankind Paltalk Chat Room.

Only those who have signed up to be an active participant may ask Michael a question (using the keyboard or voice). To sign up please send an email to [email protected] and enter ACTIVE PARTICIPANT in the subject line. The active participants will be listed in this topic. Everyone else will be able to observe as passive participants.

A password will be required to enter the room and the password will also be displayed in this topic 1 hour before the event. To find out how to use Paltalk Express please visit http://www.paltalk.com/express/

Michael may have time for an informal chat following the event.

James Moore

Active Participants

The list of persons scheduled to ask Michael a question are as follows:

  1. John Sotian
  2. Matthew Reed
  3. Edward Buck
  4. Beniamin Skowronski
  5. mrsleep87
  6. disa_
  7. David Bax
  8. Ken Adams

Archived Recording of Chat Session

I apologise to those who could not enter the room. There seems to be a 10 person limitation even though the Paltalk.com website states 200. Also I apologise for not making a copy of the questions asked. You can easily figure out what Michael is talking about though. Finally in the recording below there are background noises which unfortunately were captured along with Michael's voice.
