Prophecies and Predictions
“ ...only now in the new millennium everything gets even worse, because nature will revolt even more mightily against your environment-destroying insanity and will reach a scale equal to the primeval times of the Earth.


The prophecies and predictions have a mixed origination when taken together, but are usually individually labelled or clarified elsewhere. They may originate from the mouth's and minds of extraterrestrials; Asket, from the DAL-Universe; Sfath, Ptaah, Semjase and Quetzal from Erra / Plejades / Plejares. From impulse transmissions received by Billy from the highest-Spirit-form plane which is called Petale, subsequently written down word for word by him. From individuals in ancient times and prehistory, where then the texts have been retrieved by the Plejaren from either the Storage Banks or their own records and translated into a modern understandable language and form by them, into German. And they may also partially originate from Billy’s own calculations.
There are essential differences in the definition of the words Prophecy, Prediction and Probability Calculation. The source of the translation and translator may differ. The differences between the English and German languages makes a perfect translation near impossible, and it's especially apparent with these particularly complicated texts.
List of texts containing the future
Chronological order by original authoring date, not by first published date.
- Contact Report 215 - The Henoch Prophecies - Henoch, ~9000 BC, presented by Quetzal, 28th February 1987.
- Contact Report 692 - FIGU Zeitzeichen 085 - Predictions of Hilak, Source PDF (German) - Hilak (Great-great-grandfather of Ptaah), 1446 BC, presented by Ptaah 29th October, 2017.
- Contact Report 230 - Predictions of the Prophet Elia - Elia, ~700 BC, presented by Quetzal, 11th October, 1989
- Contact Report 229 - Predictions of the Prophet Jeremia - Jeremia, ~600 BC, presented by Quetzal, 31st July, 1989
- Talmud of Jmmanuel - Prophecy of Jmmanuel, Jmmanuel, ~90 AD.
- Sfaths Explanation - Sfath, 3rd February, 1945.
- Contact Report 697 - FIGU Zeitzeichen 086 - Talks with Sfath, Source PDF (German) - Sfath, 17th February, 1945, presented by Billy 4/5th January, 2018.
- Conversation with Sfath - Sunday, May 5, 1946 Talks with Sfath - Source PDF (German)
- Contact Report 717 - Predictions of Sfath - Source PDF (German) - Sfath, 14th June, 1947
- Contact Report 775 - Predictions of Eduard Albert Meier, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th November 1947
- Contact Report 670 - Predictions of Sfath - Source - Sfath, 1st September, 1948
- Open Letter from Saturday to Governments and the Public Media in Europe - Billy, 7th of July 1949
- Open Letter to all Human Beings of Earth - Source - Billy, 5th July, 1951.
- Askets Acquaintanceship - Asket, 3rd February, 1953.
- Askets Explanations - Part 1 - Asket, 3rd February, 1953.
- Askets Explanations - Part 2 - Asket, 7th February, 1953.
- Warning to all the governments of Europe! - Billy, 25th August, 1958
- Prophecies and Predictions 1958 - Source - Billy, 24th August, 1958.
- Where are you going humanity? - Billy, 16th September, 1964
- Contact Report 007 - Semjase, 25th February, 1975
- Contact Report 025 - Semjase, 16th June, 1975
- Contact Report 029 - Semjase, 7th July, 1975
- Contact Report 031 - Semjase, 17th July, 1975
- Contact Report 035 - Semjase, 16th September, 1975
- Contact Report 038 - Quetzal, 13th November, 1975
- Contact Report 045 - Semjase, 25th February, 1976
- Contact Report 060 - Semjase, 8th July, 1976
- Contact Report 066 - Semjase, 10th November, 1976
- Contact Report 069 - Semjase, 10th December, 1976
- Contact Report 070 - Semjase, 6th January, 1977
- Contact Report 071 - Semjase, 10th January, 1977
- Contact Report 088 - Semjase, 17th October, 1977
- Contact Report 094 - Semjase, Predictions for the year 1978
- Contact Report 213 - Quetzal and Billy, 2nd December, 1986
- Contact Report 215 - Quetzal and Billy, 28th February, 1987
- Contact Report 219 - Quetzal and Billy, 16th June, 1987
- Contact Report 236 - Ptaah, 26th April, 1990
- Contact Report 251 - Billy, 3rd February 1995
- A Prediction - Billy, 20th July 2008
- What is announced comprehensively for the third millennium - Billy, 20th August, 2008
- 2012 - What we've brought upon ourselves - Billy, 3rd February, 2009
- Human being of the Earth it is urgently time to the good - Billy, 21st May, 2009
- Contact Report 544 - Ptaah, 1st September, 2012
- Contact Report 583 - Billy, 19th March, 2014
- Contact Report 620 - Billy, 23rd April, 2015
- Contact Report 625 - Billy, 15th August, 2015
- Contact Report 691 - FIGU Zeitzeichen 085 - Billys Probability Calculations 2017, Source Source PDF (German) - Billy, 29th October, 2017
- Contact Report 862 - Prophetien und Voraussagen - Billy, 4th March, 1976
“ ...if peace, freedom and justice are really to be achieved, all warmongers in the states concerned must first and foremost be removed from their government, military and secret service offices, and so on.
Further Reading

- UFO Facts: Prophecies (External) – interesting selected excerpts.
- Meiersaken: Prophecies (External) – excerpts and other information.
- Meiersaken: Henoch prophecies (External) – excerpts and other information.
- BMUFOR: Prophecies, Predictions and Probability calculations (External) - an investigative website, usually reasonable, selected excerpts and other information.
- List of dreadful future events - very general, just so you know
- Future American Civil Wars (prophecy only)
- World Peace and Multinational Peace-Fighting Troops
- San Francisco to Alaska earthquake (prediction not prophecy) - no specific page for it use search.
- Red meteor, 99942 apophis 2029-2036 (prediction not prophecy) - no specific page for it use search.
- The Avaricious Usurers (prediction not prophecy)
- Three Days Of Darkness (prophecy only)
- A Hundred Atomic Suns (prophecy only)
- Pope Francis
- Escalation of the Ukraine crisis will be a windfall for the IS
- Event Timeline - Please see each source reference, verify and decipher.
- Climate change - The facts and an important Plea
(many predictions about climate change, see Overpopulation) - To the Statesmen in Power and to Mankind of Earth:
- Message to critics: Stop Henoch Prophecy's candidature
- Anti-Logos
- And there shall be peace on earth...
- What is really going to happen in the year 2012?
- To the Statesmen in Power and to Mankind of Earth:
We’re not going to make any exhaustive listing of all the prophecies and predictions because it’s all already in the Contact Reports, Books, Booklets, FIGU Bulletins etc., etc. There are sections of the FIGU forum about it all too, see External Links.