FIGU-Landesgruppe Canada

From Future Of Mankind


Please note that Future Of Mankind is not an official FIGU website, and this is not an original presentation of FLCA information. Contact with FIGU Canada can be made via the FIGU Canada website. Contact with the owner can be made via [email protected]

FIGU Canada is responsible for a number of the articles and translations that have been made of 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier's documents which are hosted here on this website (FutureofMankind).

The FIGU-Landesgruppe Canada, is based in Southern Ontario, and is the official group representing FIGU in Canada.

FLCA Purpose

see FLCA Statutes

FLCA Tasks

Some of their goals are:

To make available current as well as never before seen English translations of FIGU material.

To translate and publish books written by 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier.

To hold regular public meetings, invite guest speakers from FIGU-Switzerland, have information booths at special events.

To assist those who have questions with regards to forming other study groups in Canada.

To provide interested persons with a brief overview of the activities of the FIGU-Landesgruppe Canada.

To answer questions pertaining to the Billy Meier case and the spiritual teaching to residents of Canada.

FLCA Events

Source: and FLCA - Newsletter No. 21 - July 2018

  • ​FLCA Special Event: A public presentation in Toronto with Christian Frehner, coming over from Switzerland, on Sunday 9th of September 2018, from 13:45 to 16:30. Free Admission.

Further Reading