Talk:Prophecies and Predictions

From Future Of Mankind
Revision as of 14:56, 26 March 2010 by (talk) (Comment provided by Dr. Manuel Hernández - via ArticleComments extension)
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Comments on Prophecies and Predictions <comments />

Dr. Manuel Hernández said ...

Superb! Mr. Meier. A true Prophet of our times. I recognize your gigantic work and great mission. So I present unto you my respects and thanks for such an important information, knowledge and wisdom. All of this confirms my own works, which were written with not any alien contacts as far as I’m aware. I agree with almost 100% of your issues. I'd like to have all your books, specially those containing the Plajarian Messages, in ebook version, because I don't read paper books anymore due to deforestation. Apart from that I'm a private researcher and teacher with not enough money to buy books. Also I want to help spreading your teachings and messages in my native language Spanish. I'm a radio commentator and newspaper articles writer. My email [email protected] -My website where you can find all my works and books completely free, because I’m not a money maker and though anybody asked me to do it. I’m a freelance writer and researcher even though that I give my thousands of days of work for the benefit of the humankind at no cost. In the same way I’d like to have the messages at no cost, too. Likewise I’m able and eager to help to fulfill a mission like yours about spreading the cosmic and planetary truth. Also, I'm the founder of the MMM a foundation for cosmic studies. So, I think we all can help people and each other like it will happen at the turn of the fourth millennium. Why not start now?! My best regards and greetings from Loja-Ecuador-South America.

--Dr. Manuel Hernández 14:56, 26 March 2010 (UTC)