From Future Of Mankind
A summary of the prophets, responsible for Earth humankind are listed. The same human spirit-form was incarnated into each human material-form below.
The reference point in time for the years ago stated below is from 2006 AD and signifies approximate values only.
Prophet of old times
- Nokodemion
- 96 billion years ago.
- Appeared repeatedly until the last time of 12 billion years ago on a far off world.
- Henok
- 389,000 years ago on Earth.
Prophet of middle/other/modern times
- Billy is the last prophet responsible for Earth humankind.
- There were two other Henochs that existed – one around 13,500 years ago; another around 6,000-7,000 years ago.
- In this context, prophetic ages are divided into different time periods those are the so-called "old times" (12 billion till 13,500 years ago), "Middle/later times" (from 13,500 years ago to the 5th of February, 891 B.C.) and the "other time" (5th of February, 891 B.C. up to the present "modern times" i.e. since the 3rd of February, 1844 A.D.).
- Hans Lazendforfer's contribution in the subject of "Clarification about the prophets Henok and Henoch Or A short lesson in prophet's history" in FIGU Bulletin 50 and also available in
- Christian Krukowski's video presentation of The Origin of the Universe and Human Life According to the Plejaren available within The Silent Revolution of Truth