FIGU Bulletin 022

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This is an official and authorised translation of a FIGU publication.
N.B. This translation contains errors due to the insurmountable language differences between German and English.
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  • FIGU Bulletin Volume: 3
  • FIGU Bulletin Number: 22
  • FIGU Bulletin Date: June 1999
  • Author: Billy Meier
  • Translator(s): Unknown
  • Date of Translation: Unknown


Topics Include: UFO Congress; REOPENING OF THE MEIER CASE; Methusalem Meier; Wendelle Stevens; Kal Korff; Phobol Cheng; Jim Deardorff; Michael Hesemann

This is only an excerpt from the entire FIGU Bulletin.

FIGU Bulletin 22 Translation

Date: Wed, 24 Feb 1999
From: Mary Jane Shippen

Dear B.E.A.M. (= Billy Eduard Albert Meier) Cybergroup,

having just arrived back from Laughlin and still in awe from my experience at the UFO Congress yesterday… before the routine of daily schedules begin to impinge… I offer my impressions of this remarkable day, February 23, 1999, to you. Wendelle Stevens gave the first talk… with sparkling blue eyes, like a grandfather reliving exciting adventures… he told us about the time when he first visited Billy… from trying to find his way to the farmhouse in Switzerland with the "psychic" directions of his companions… to the CIA (and other agency) interventions and "abductions" by them. … all very fascinating and almost unbelievable. Then, Michael Hesemann, in a very entertaining presentation made us laugh as he presented the absurdity of Kal Korff’s attempts to discredit Billy, giving many details disproving his claims. He also presented many UFO slides and some excellent film footage that Billy took in the early 70’s. I was amazed. Methusalem spoke… a fit, very slender young man, age 25, wearing cowboy attire… disarming any tension that may have been in the audience with a gentle directness and sincerity, using slow and calculated English to say that the Pleiadian message is of love and respect for ourself first and then, to love and respect our fellow human beings… to learn and evolve like… and speechless he compared his own recent growing and learning (with his father’s help) like that of a "little tree… growing bigger and bigger"…. and then, said that his father is his most valued treasure. He said that he had been through some tough times with his mother, not knowing why she is acting the way she is acting now… remembering for us the first time he saw a UFO when he was 2… when his mother was there with him… relating the story how Hans Schutzbach dropped the camera during the 30 minute sighting… not getting any close-up pictures… because he was so nervous… making the analogy that this is one of the reasons… because people become so overwhelmed by the sightings… that more sightings are not being made for us "normal human beings". It was wonderful (and strange at the same time)… to see Methusalem look so much like his father… so grown up now, so mature and positive. It was, indeed, a privilege to witness this young man who now stands up so proudly to speak for his father.

Phobol was the most unexpected delight and surprise of the day. She is about 4'10" or 11" tall with light brown skin... so round and lovely... with medium length brownish hair, soft around her face.With a loving, gentle demeanor she spoke of the times she saw Billy and Asket at her grandfather´s Ashram in India. How, from the time she was about 9 years old until about age 14, a lady with long dark hair... only about 5'1" tall... would come to her beside her bed at night, just before sleeping, to stroke her hair ... and "talk" to her without words ... helping her to understand some things and to help her know about what will happen someday in the future… as it is happening now…. and that this was the same lady whom she and her brother and many others had seen walking Billy in the area inside inside Ashram. It was like "coming home" for her when she and Billy met again, about 5 years ago, in 1993… staying up for 3 nights talking ...without sleep sharing memories together. She showed us a picture of Billy leaning on a fence in a cowboy outfit (looking much like Methusalem)… with 2 monkeys next to him on the fence… a camel resting on the ground behind. And she showed other pictures, too... some that Billy had taken of UFO’s near the Ashram area… ones he had never shown to anyone else before. Michael Hesemann has put together something very special here for all of us to take pride in… and to share with the world. It was a most exciting and awe inspiring afternoon… lasting 2 hours past the 6:30 end time. A security problem delayed the start time… my guess was that there had been a threat on Methusalem or Phobol’s life… but I don’t know for sure. For the video:

«THE REOPENING OF THE MEIER CASE» send $35. + $6. shipping to :

International UFO Congress, Inc.
9975 Wadsworth Pkwy #K2-504
Westminster, CO 80021
Phone: (303)543-9443

The 3 tape audio of the «THE REOPENING OF THE MEIER CASE» is $20. + $3.50 S.H.

From: Jim Deardorff [email protected]

Hello List,

I certainly second what Mij reported. The whole afternoon/early evening was truly outstanding and awesome. You would need the video tape, to get the full picture, or at least the audio tapes. Phobol’s presentation was the highlight of it all, I’d say, because of her first-hand contact with Asket, her having seen Meier and Asket together on numerous occasions, her having witnessed Asket’s UFO craft hovering over the ashram on more than one occasion, and her sincerity and forthrightness. She spoke for nearly an hour, I’d estimate, starting with the explanation why she and her brother, Cambodians, were at her grandfather’s ashram in India for several years, and even why her grandfather had earlier left Cambodia for that location. She received a standing ovation afterwards.

A surprise guest that followed her for a brief presentation was an Indian woman, Sashi, who had tutored Phobol in the Hindi language, since coming from Cambodia she and her brother had had to learn Hindi. She didn’t look much older than Phobol, and so perhaps had been no older than 20 when Phobol was 10 when she had seen Meier & Asket in 1963 (when Meier still had his left arm). Sashi was a witness to Phobol having spoken to her briefly several times about the woman (Asket) whom others at the ashram referred to as "the goddess" or some such, and about her ship in the sky. So Sashi is an important corroborator of Phobol’s testimony. It would be interesting to learn how Phobol came into contact again with Sashi recently - Michael H. may know about this. Phobol told her interesting story of how she came into awareness about Billy 5 or 6 years ago, causing her to make her visit soon after to Schmidrüti. Phobol confirmed that when she had known Asket in 1963 Asket had had dark hair, but definitely possessed long ear lobes. (…)

Thanks very much for the excellent summary, Mij.


From Ralph Toscano <[email protected]>

Mary Jane:

Thanks for the fascinating insights into «The Reopening of the Meier Case». I certainly will make it a point to get a copy of that video … I have one question … I don’t wish to sound stupid but who is this Phobol that everyone is talking about? Is this the same person called ‹Pauline› or some such pseudonym? I hate asking dumb questions but I really wish I can get a clarification as to who this person is … Pardon my ignorance


From: Mary Jane <[email protected]>

Dear Ralph,

The «Speakers’ Lecture Descriptions» sheet from the congress gives the following: Phobol Cheng (Cam-bodia).

Will present first person testimony of the sightings and contacts she witnessed as a teenager while living at an Ashram in India when Billy Meier was there studying with her grandfather. It was stated at the Con-gress that she is a UN diplomat to Cambodia now. She said she has been working as a diplomat for 14 years… and as a girl between the ages of 9-14 lived in India with her grandfather in his ashram. During that time, she was visited by a beautiful lady with long dark hair, about 5’1¨ tall, who put her head on her lap and stroked her hair… «singing» to her and talking without words… until she fell asleep. She told her Hindi teacher, Sachi, about it at the time and Sachi dismissed it as childhood imaginings. Later, when Sachi saw some craft in the sky, she began to believe Phobol and is now coming forward to confirm what Phobol is saying. Phobol saw Billy walking with Asket many times during that time. Her younger brother loved to play with Billy’s two monkeys named Emperor and Empress Hanuman after the monkey god and goddess in Indian mythology (I believe.) Some years ago, she talked to Wendelle Stevens, asking him if Billy was the same man that she knew. To make sure, she had Wendelle ask Billy in a letter if he had a monkey and what his name was. Billy gave the name of the monkey*… and from there the story of Phobol and Billy’s reunion unfolds …

Mary Jane

  • Wendelle’s meeting Phobol at one of his lectures and the letter about the monkey is

derived from the video «The Meier Years – A Retrospective – Vol.I»… which I picked up at the Congress and is also probably available by mail order from: Int’l UFO Congress, Inc., 9975 Wadsworth Pkwy# K2-504, Westminster, CO 80021 (303)543-9443

From: Jim Deardorff <[email protected]>

Hi Mary Jane,

To try to fill in a «trivial» detail, the two monkeys’ names were nearly the same: the one was the Emperor Hanuman and the other the Emperess Hanuman, as I recall it (spelling somewhat uncertain). One of them is mentioned in a copy of a letter from Billy to Wendelle that Wendelle published in Vol. 4 of his «Message from the Pleiades». It would be interesting to learn just where and how Meier acquired the two monkeys, and for how long they traveled around with him. Phobol mentioned that Meier would always feed them first, and if there was something left over, then have a bite to eat himself. This was one of the little things that had made a lasting impression on her. Another was that when she looked into his eyes, his eyes seemed to look into her inner core, in a manner different from anyone else; this also stuck in her memory. So when he showed up at the ashram a year or so later, in 1965, minus an arm, she remembered right away who he was. Another incident she spoke of, not involving Meier directly, was that one time as she entered her grand-father’s ashram, she saw two strange men in white robes (do I remember the «white» right, Mij?) sitting one on each side of him, speaking to him. She overheard part of the conversation, and when it was over, the «men» just suddenly vanished in the same manner, apparently, as Meier himself has done many times at the beginning of a contact. So Phobol then knew that these men were not from Earth.

