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The Planets page brings together Eduard Meiers information and links to many pages on this website, to the source information in his books and brings encyclopaedia information into position along side it.

Planets, Planetary Evolution and the Evolution requisites for life on Planets, in the known universe. For Humanoid civilization (usually found on Planets) see Humanoid lifeforms in the known universe.

Encompassing Universes, Galaxies, Stars, Comets, Dimensions, to illustrate the Planets relationship to the rest of the Universe/Creation, including the various forms of Evolution to bring subjects, topics and areas of knowledge together in this way.

There are numerous discussions regarding various different planets in the contact reports. As well as specific information about what constitutes a planet, the stages of developmental evolution of life on any given planet. Planets of our past, like Malona, as well as our future.[1] Planet-Planets[2], Planets in other star systems, like the Lesa Star System, Planets in time shifted dimensions, Erra, in past galaxies, Lyren galaxy and of course in our own times galaxy the Milky way (as Earth people have designated it), other present time galaxies such as the Nepon Galaxy and even other universes. Such as our own DERN universes slightly younger twin, the DAL, where planet Akon is said to be located.

Uncomplicated Introduction to Planets

In Contact Report 589, Ptaah by way of describing the breadth of damage to Earth, provides a synopsis of 7 of the interdependent self-governing planetary systems science sphere boundaries in the process.
[show/hide - extract from contact report 589]

Independent-study Complicated Introduction to Planets

As complicated as you like it.

List of planets



Other Worlds


Comets and Meteors



Extract from Contact Report 224 [show/hide]

Extract from FIGU Special Bulletin 032 [show/hide]

Rayleigh Scattering

Efforts are currently under way to locate untranslated information concealed in the texts regarding green atmospheres being better for humans, its 'theoretically' there, perhaps its disguised under another subject or they have been deliberately vague or alluding. Please help us.

Planetary Evolution

Human Life Prerequisites, which answers Planetary Evolution

The universe is only very thinly populated with naturally developing human life, therefore, with beings of a Consciousness Evolution, though it is said that under certain special conditions therefore in certain special time-shifted universe dimensions, like that which the Plejares is in, have a configuration more congruent with more, much more, naturally developing human life.

The table in Chapter 1 or on the Evolution page. Illustrates the 7 various forms of evolution.

It is required that before human life can begin to develop, naturally, as a naturally occurring development process, related to cause-effect evolution, causality. That the following forms of life exist on a planet, which is to say, the planet must be suitable for these forms first and is also to say, that humans will not emerge under conditions where logically they could not proceed successfully, to reiterate, to successfully fulfil a Consciousness Evolution.

1: sand, stones, crystals, gasses, liquids, etc. energy evolution Transformation evolution, respectively, conversion evolution. Most commonly, planets in all universes get this far

2: bacterium, bacillus, virus. micro-evolution Compatibility evolution and mutation evolution. These planets are slightly more common.

3: plant life-forms. impulse evolution Adaptation evolution, respectively, assimilation evolution. A fair number of planets develop this life.

4: Life-forms of animals and other creatures. Instinct Evolution. Slightly less develop animals.

5: higher species of animals, such as apes, dolphins, horses, ravens, pigs, goats, parrots, buffalo and other kinds of cattle, bears, camels, donkeys, beasts of prey, elephants, dogs, cats, sheep, and so forth. Intelligence Evolution (not to be equated with the human beings’ consciousness-evolution). These planets are much less common.

6: human life-form Only the human being evolves by means of the conscious evolution of the consciousness. conscious evolution of the consciousness. Planets with human forms can be considered rare.

7: spirit-energetical evolution of Creation. Creation evolution. See Supernatural page. And planets with the highest or upper shelf of ideas, and spiritually developed human beings, constitute an ever rarer occurrence. Though they do tend to last much longer than and tend to find, seek better conditions to fulfill their evolution.

Which is to say in another way, that the two separate layers of humanity on Earth in particular, Earth as a specific example, would not occur in any normal evolutionary situation, by way of the natural laws that cannot be changed and will not change. Which can, needless to say, be incredibly confusing to understand, especially as Earth humans live such short lives, and keep having to restart their civilization in the Sol Star System.

In case anyone missed it, Earth contains all of the above, as did (in the past) Mars and Malona. But with a lesser developed spirit energetic evolution, which is why earth has been allowed to run wild for many millenia, as a way of facilitating its cultivation as a higher evolved world. But Earth was not the original planet settled in the Sol Star System, it is not the premium planet in the system, Malona was. Which is why, after the absolute tragedy of its destruction, humanity on earth, must be left to cultivate everything for themselves, as degenerated extraterrestrials, as a way of creating, generating stability. It is not a planet that would ordinarily be settled by an advanced civilization, but was settled long ago for that very reason, as the least obvious place to be settled, so that we could evade a group of humans that meant us harm. But the entire experience has caused us harm, and we would have been better off finding a way of jumping into another dimension. But the intergalactic community was forbidden from helping us, due to a series of intergalactic legislations which prohibit such interactions with developing civilizations.

Planetary Expansion Processes connection with its Star and the Dark Matter Force

During the official 251st contact report profound ideas conversation between Billy and Ptaah dated the 3rd of February, 1995. Billy recites a 23 page pre-prepared text "The story of Enoch (Henok in German) or Nokodemion respectively. Where at an specified future time it would be inevitable that as a consequence of Consciousness Evolution the realisation would eventually dawn upon the Earth scientists that the planet is imperceptibly expanding internally.

Regarding the Earth itself, a fact not mentioned in the predictions is that, all along, the scientists were unaware that this planet was not expanding over the millennia through the accumulation of falling star dust and meteors, etc., but that, imperceptibly, it has been expanding internally. This means that an imperceptible expansion process is ongoing for millennia whereby, slowly but surely, the Earth's internal riches are transported to the surface. Over time, this expansion process will accelerate in correlation with the Sun's decreasing nuclear fusion rate through which all gravity fields within this entire solar system will change, in particular those of all the planets.

Whereby we might note that the discovery appears to be connected with a futurological discovery and unveiling of some more of the secrets of the Dark Material Force. At which point we may even be able to firmly, with clarity, correlate a relationship between a stars activity and the planets that orbit it, its planets, rate of expansion, earthquakes and climatic changes even specific weather systems based on its stars activity, without even looking at the planet itself. Even to produce accurate models of the stages of a planets evolution based on a distant stars twinkling frequency. To lead to more accurate ideas of those stars which are more likely to have developed life of their own natural course, based on what we discover from our own star, at this future time, as and when the cognitions grow strong enough to place these ideas side by side, after learning more firmly of Dark Matter.

Planetary Expansion Reiteration

During the 365th contact report conversation between Billy and Ptaah. Ptaah explains a very similar thing in the following way.

So far nothing in the predictions was mentioned about the Earth itself, and the fact that its previously remained hidden from scientists, that the planet, for thousands of years has not only increased in size through falling star dust and meteors etc. But that its imperceptibly expanded from within. Which means that for thousands of years its had a barely noticeable bloating type process occurring in the background, through which the inner treasures of the planet have slowly but surely made ​​it to the surface.

FIGU Special Bulletin 80 - The Earth Grows Article.

Sol's Waning, Dying Star

Regarding the relationship a planet has with its star and a future discovery that our star is waning, dying, the following extract can also be found in the same 251st contact report conversation, 3rd February, 1995.

The benefactors knew even then that the people shipped there (Earth) could not remain in this solar system forever but that sometime later they would have to depart for other destinations. The benefactors were fully aware that this remote system's sun was a waning star even then, and it was specifically selected since the Sirius Intelligences and the "Creator Overlords" who were willing to kill the refugees, did not suspect that this region with its dying sun would be a candidate for new settlements of the "degenerates" and "god's workers", as they were called by the "Creator Overlords".

Which may seem off topic from Planetary Evolution, but at some stage people reading heavily into Earth, Planetary Evolution, our history and future, ask the question variants, "so why have we evolved so rapidly on a planet with a dying sun? Dangerous conditions which leaves only a small window for evolution to occur? affixed with -based on the principles of Consciousness Evolution. Who would place themselves in such a situation, type questions.

To avoid these questions being lazily answered, wait until the question properly presses you for a definitive answer, so that cheap conclusions may be avoided.

Planet Transplantation

Similar to Planetary migration[67], where in the nebular hypothesis[68] Uranus and Neptune exist in a region where the reduced density of the solar nebula and longer orbital times render their formation highly implausible. The two instead being thought to have formed in orbits nearer Jupiter and Saturn, where more material was available, and then to have migrated outward to their current positions over hundreds of millions of years. Planetary Transplantation is where a planet migrates through the force of a wandering planet that is in no particular stable orbit, rogue planet.[69] An incredibly rare situation where for whatever reason the planet is itself released from its orbit, its passing force, Newtons laws of motion.[70]

During the Contact Report 5 conversation between Semjase and Billy on 16th February, 1975. Semjase explains that Venus was caused by a very rare occurrence, having been dragged into its current position in our star system by a Destroyer planet/comet.

48. Through this comet an event occurred which is very rare in the Universe, namely a planet transplantation:

49. Through the enormous power of this gigantic comet, on a planetary system very far from the SOL system, a planet on the first stages of developing life was thrown out of its orbit and sent out into space, on a parallel trajectory to the destructive giant comet.

50. For over 130 years this planet followed far behind the giant, only infinitely slowly deviating from this path.

51. Then, 3453 years ago, the Destroyer came into the Earth's solar system, and through its gigantic forces it forced the planetary orbits into disarray.

52. As it passed by the Earth, it wrapped it in its huge tail and shook it very hard.

53. Huge storms and volcanic eruptions were the result.

54. People and animals died in large masses, mountains were moved and the ocean depths changed.

55. On the Mediterranean sea, the magma walls of the Santorini volcano were torn down low and large quantities of water entered it.

56. This caused a huge disaster, because the volcano exploded as a result and destroyed the island.

57. The explosion produced a gigantic storm surge which grew to 2000 meters up in the sky, and swept across the sea like a primeval monster.

58. Everything was killed and crushed by it, and the water turned blood red.

59. In Egypt, this storm surge flooded vast areas and gave rise to all sorts of plagues, while the flood wave returned and raced northeastward across the sea, to the eastern shore of the sea in present-day Syria, to destroy wide areas and every port city.

60. The comet still shot through the Earth's solar system, round the sun and back into space, to return 575,5 years later.

61. The planet which, carried along, had slowly been following in its wake, and which had approximately the same size as the Earth, passed by it at a distance of around 600,000 kilometers, and was captured by the attraction of the sun.

62. Due to its gigantic force it forced the new planet into an orbit between its nearest satellites, namely between Mercury and Earth.

63. And since then, this "transplanted" and "foreign" planet has been known to the Earth people, who call it Venus.[71]

FIGU Forum Planet Related Questions Answered by Billy

Animals on other Planets

From the FIGU Forum (Questions Answered by Billy):
Matt - Posted on Monday, December 25, 2006 - 02:17 am

Hello Billy,

1) Can you tell us about the animals found on Erra that are the same as on Earth, and about those that are not?

2) Can you also tell us about the size of the biggest Dinosaur or Animal that the Plejaren know of, that is found on any particular planet out there?
Thank you.


1) Yes, he can. There are cows, dogs, cats, camels, etc. etc. which they imported from Earth, and there are thousands of animals unknown to us.

2) No, he cannot.

Arahat Athersata relationship with individual Planets

From the FIGU Forum (Questions Answered by Billy):
Rarena - Posted on Tuesday, July 04, 2006 - 09:13 am

Dear Billy, Thank you for coming back for us...

My question concerns Arahat Athersata. My understanding is that when we reach a certain level of consciousness we integrate with Arahat Athersata and essentially become immortal since we no longer "incarnate" and need to die to continue the "meat" (coarse-matter body) cycle. A good friend mentioned he feels it is his last life on Earth, hence this question.

Are there many people on Earth now, who will evolve to Arahat Athersata within their "lifetime" or do we have to grow and evolve for many more years and develop longer life spans such as the Plejarens?


Between our existence here on Earth (or on some other planet) and the existence as a part of the Arahat Athersata level, there will be the existence as a half-material, half-spiritual entity (as it is the case with the High Council). While the existence as a human being with a coarse-matter body lasts about 50 to 80 million years, the next (transition) state lasts for 40 to 60 billion/milliard years.

(Note by CF: Your good friend is quite a distance away from his last life on Earth, meaning before entering the level of AA. In light of the fact that a personality only exists once, he may be correct, though; but I doubt that he meant his statement in this way.)

Planetary positions (radiation, vibrations), influences on our lifelong development

From the FIGU Forum (Questions Answered by Billy):
Smukhuti - Posted March 2011

Dear Billy,

Can you tell us how the positioning of various planets and the sun (stars), during our time of birth and early development, has an effect on the characteristics, inclinations, tendencies we develop. And also how the planetary positions continue to influence, interact with us throughout our lifetime?


The radiation (vibrations) of our galaxy's central sun is constantly influenced by the position of the SOL system's planets. Those vibrations may trigger "things" in our consciousness in a neutral way. What is made of those impulses is determined by the individual human being.

An example: If the impulses at the point of birth are favourable (indicating) for becoming a doctor (of medicine), the process towards reaching that goal (and the decision for it) must be gone (made) by the individual person himself. You cannot just sit and wait for the inclinations to become a reality. As everything in life you have to work actively towards it.

In short: The vibrations coming from our galaxy's central sun are neutral possibilities.

Birthdays and planetary cosmic radiation

From the FIGU Forum (Questions Answered by Billy):
Claes - Posted on Tuesday, July 29, 2003 - 06:04 pm

Hello Billy, Thankyou for everything.

It seems to me like you have often had contacts on your birthday. Is there some special reason for this? Are we some how more perceptive or clearer in our consciousness around our birthdate, because of the influence of the planets, stars , cosmic radiation?

Salome, // Claes


This is a symbolic gesture/action only. A person's birthday has no special meaning or effect or influence, and certainly nothing to do with cosmic radiation. The Plejarans don't celebrate their birthday, with the exception of their 1,000st (but surely not by singing anything like "happy birthday to you ...").

Black holes, their purpose and function in the universe

From the FIGU Forum (Questions Answered by Billy):
Solar - Posted on Wednesday, December 14, 2005 - 12:30 am

Hi Billy .

Could you please explain, what is the purpose and functions of black holes in the universe?
Thank you


They are there for "universal recycling". Black holes are the beginning and end of galaxies, suns, planets, etc. They are an important factor in the cycle of becoming, growing and passing away.

Common misconceptions

List of common misconceptions about the FIGU information by subject
Explanation about the broad subject of why

  • Planetary calculations concerning horoscopic evaluations must be handled extremely carefully. If the wrong calendrical support prevailing on the Earth is taken for assistance, because this incorrect time table is divided into only 12 months of 30, 31, and 28 or 29 days.[72]
  • Horoscopes use incorrect measurement data, are usually wrong.[73]

Further Reading


  1. Contact Report 251
  2. Contact_Report_228 lines 98.
  3. Contact Report 589
  4. [
  22. Venus
  24. Contact Report 150
  26. Contact Report 184
  27. Contact Report 184
  28. Contact Report 184
  29. Contact Report 7
  30. Contact Report 7
  31. Contact Report 7
  32. Contact Report 248
  33. Contact Report 155
  39. Contact Report 251
  41. Contact Report 251
  46. Contact_Report_228 lines 98.
  47. Contact_Report_251
  48. Contact_Report_228 lines 98.
  52. Contact_Report_228 lines 98.
  54. Contact Report 184
  55. Contact Report 184
  56. Contact Report 184
  57. FIGU Bulletin 59
  58. The Asket Contact Reports
  59. Christian Frehner, UFO Conference 2006, Laughlin, Nevada
  60. Christian Frehner, UFO Conference 2006, Laughlin, Nevada
  61. UFO...Contact From The Pleiades
  63. Contact Report 236
  64. Attacking questions from Japan... (FIGU booklet)
  65. Contact Report 236
  71. Contact Report 5
  72. Contact Report 127
  73. Contact Report 127